A new year begins today. I’ll have to admit that January makes me a bit nervous. It hasn’t always been a great month for us. I’m hoping 2013 will be different. So far, so good. lol
I bet your expecting to read about my resolutions for 2013. And you will, sort of, as I share with you a little about the word and the scripture that I plan to let guide my year in 2013.
My word for the year is Change. I have a lot of changes I want to make this year. I am not going to share them all right now. But I will share a couple of them with you. First, I want to begin living a healthier lifestyle. This includes eating more healthily and making use of my Planet Fitness membership.
I am also going to stop letting this blog stand here stagnate. For both November and December I had like one post. That is pretty boring. I am going to keep doing the In The Moment post each month, but I’ll be posting other things as well. For one, I will be sharing with you some of my favorite layouts before I add them to the gallery. I will also be sharing my Project 52 photos with you.
As part of my plan to improve this blog, I’ve put together several resources that I will be using to improve things around here. This time, it’s not just me saying I am going to improve things around here. I have actually put in some planning.
In addition to choosing Change as my word for the year, I have also chosen a scripture. This wasn’t something I initially planned. But when the Mormon Channel post the scripture as part of JPEG on Facebook, I knew I wanted to include it in my plans for the year.
My focus for 2013 is the first half of Alma 34:32.
For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God.
I am going to begin on focusing on Scripture study. There was a time when I was actually really good at making this an integral part of my day. I am going to work on getting back to that place. I think it is very crucial to my success for the rest of the year.
I hope everyone has a wonderful year ahead of them. I’d love to know what changes you have planned for 2013. (These aren’t resolutions cause if you are anything like me, your resolutions never go anywhere.) Feel free to share your plans in the comments below.