Today, I am celebrating the resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ. More than 2000 years ago he left the tomb behind and gave the world reason to rejoice. His resurrection means that we will all be able to live again.
This is a free gift that Christ has given to all of mankind. We don’t have to do anything to live again. Christ was resurrected and because he lives we will all live after we die. What an amazing gift we have been given.
This is my mom. I love her very much. Sadly, she passed away at the end of November 2015. I miss her so much. Yesterday I should have spent the day celebrating Easter with her. Thankfully, I will not have to miss her for eternity. Because Christ lives, I will see my mom again. Even though I am still so sad that I no longer have her with me, I am extremely grateful that I will see her again. I can’t even imagine how sad I would be without that knowledge.
I have been married to the man of my dreams for over 14 years. (We will celebrate our 15th anniversary in August.) When we got married, I don’t think I knew how much I would come to love him and how much I would enjoy being with him. David is my best friend. He supports me and he loves me all the time. I cannot imagine my life without him. Because of Jesus Christ, eternal families exist and I will get to be with David forever. I am so glad that our marriage will not end when we die. Another gift from Christ that is without price.
When I think of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I am always reminded of the wonderful talk that Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave regarding the atonement, death and resurrection of Christ. This talk is a great reminder of how much he suffered for us and what an opportunity his suffering has provided us.
“[O]ne of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so. His solitary journey brought great company for our little version of that path…”
Please take a moment to watch (or read) this talk by Elder Holland. I truly believe it will become an important part of your Easter celebration not only this year but in years to come. It is such an important discourse on the price Christ paid for us.
However you are celebrating Easter today, I hope it was a great day. Please take a moment to learn more about the true meaning of this Resurrection Sunday.
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