Little Mosque on the Prairie

Today, I want to introduce you to a televisions show that you may not have heard of before.  But if you like funny, family-friendly shows, it is a show that you do not want to miss.  The show I am talking about today is Little Mosque on The Prairie.

Little Mosque on the Prairie Television ShowLittle Mosque is about a small Muslim community in small town on the Canadian Prairie.  The show focuses on the interactions within the Muslim community as well as the town as a whole.  The mosque itself is located in the local Anglican church which also provides a lot of material for this comedy.

I don’t want to talk too much about the show because I don’t want to create any spoilers.  But let me assure you, Little Mosque is funny.  I laughed during every single episode.  Seasons 1 – 3 are the best.  You’ll come away from each episode surprised at how good the show really turns out to be.  Little Mosque begins to slip a little in season four.  And while i have to admit that the final season kind of jumps the shark, there are still some really great moments.  I recommend watching all six seasons.

One great thing about Little Mosque is that it is truly family-friendly.  You can sit down with the entire family and rest assured that the kids aren’t going to hear any profanity or seen anything you don’t want them too.  There is no violence in Little Mosque on the Prairie and everyone is modestly dressed.  Such a refreshing a show.

Another thing I really like about Little Mosque is that it is very even handed.  The show does not attempt to make the Muslims or the other members of the community look bad.  They are friendly to each other and even come to one another’s aide.  It’s great.

Finally, I actually learned a lot during the show.  I know that sounds weird for a television comedy, but I learned a lot about Muslim beliefs.  And even a bit about the Anglican church.  (I knew more about their faith before the show began.)  I loved being able to learn and still be entertained.

In the U.S., you can watch Little Mosque on the Prairie on Hulu.  I know the episodes are also on the CBC website.  I had a hard time getting them to play there, but it could be because I am not in Canada.  Regardless of where you live, I recommend taking the time to find out how you can stream Little Mosque on the Prairie.  It is very funny and well worth your time.

Do you have any family-friendly shows you watch on a regular basis?  If so, leave me a comment so I can check them out.