As I mentioned in a previous post, my plans for the Digital Art a Day challenge did not work out. I will be trying again in October. (For September, I am going to try once again to complete 30 Lists.) However, that doesn’t mean that I stopped creating digital art altogether. In fact, I managed to create three different digital scrapbooking layouts for challenges at Oscraps.
This first page was created for the challenge I am hosting this month, Famous Works. For this challenge, I’ve asked participants to create a page that is inspired by the works of a Surrealist artist. One of the responsibilities of a challenge host is to create an example layout. This is the page I created.

This digital art page was created using using Garden of Delights from Studio Romy. Font is Bradley Hand.
This page is inspired by Masque de (Jeune)=Comédien from Paul Klee. Initially I tried to duplicate the bands of color on the face image in the original painting. However, I wasn’t liking anything I did. That’s when I decided to go more with a duplication of color while creating an image in the Surrealist style. The use of the facial image was also inspired by the work. What do you think? Was I successful in creating an image in the Surrealist style?
I submitted this second page for the Mini-O Challenge. I say submitted instead of created because I realized after I finished the page that it totally fit the requirements of the challenge.

Created using Tropical Fusion Shabby Solids and Tropical Fusion Artsy Papers from Joyful Heart Designs and Tropical Fusion Artsy Bits & Pieces, Tropical Fusion MagicLights and Tropical Fusion Photo Masks from NBK Designs. Fonts are Amazona and Sandscraped.
Normally, I start a digiscrapping page by choosing the photo I want to scrap. This time, it was the products I wanted to use that I chose first. Because of my product choices, I knew I would be creating a more artsy, painty page. With the names of the products all starting with “Tropical Fusion,” I knew that a beach photo was a must for the page. I created the background by blending one of the Artsy papers on to one of the Shabby Solids. I then used one of the clipping masks with one of my more recent beach photos. I used the MagicLights to add a little more interest to the photo and finished up with a couple of the painty pieces from the artsy bits & pieces.
This final page I created only yesterday. Since I was creating the page for the White Space Challenge, I decided to really limit the number of elements I used on the page. (After putting paint on and then taking it off.) Here is the final creation.

Created using Sizzle, an Oscraps Designer Collab. Font is Apple Chancery.
With only four elements, one paper and the photo this is very minimalist (as opposed to my normal style of fill the page with paint). I chose the dark blue background as a dark background was required for he challenge and I think the color works with the photo. I used the flowers and the mesh element to add the required pops of color. I used a white stroke around the photo and wash tape to help anchor the photo to the page.
If you are already a digiscrapper, I’d love to have you come join me for this month’s challenges. If you’ve thought about digiscrapping but have not yet given it a try, this could be your chance to get started. There are plenty of free samples at Oscraps you can use to create your. You don’t even need to purchase a program, as GIMP is a great open-source program perfect for creating digital scrapbooking pages. If you do create a page, leave me a link in the comments and I’ll definitely leave you some love.
Thank you stopping by and taking a look at my latest digital scrapbooking pages. Until next time, don’t forget to document your memories.
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